For Business Owners Who Feel The Most Tiring Part About Business...Is The People!

Create Powerful Change

In Your Relationships

Release the WISDOM hidden in THE ENNEAGRAM to jumpstart profound and meaningful

change for yourself + those you come in contact with...without losing your joy, your enthusiasm, or your patience.

For Business Owners Who Feel The Most Tiring Part About Business....Is The People!

Create Powerful Change In Your Relationships

Release the WISDOM hidden in THE ENNEAGRAM to jumpstart profound and meaningful change for yourself and those you come in contact with...without losing your joy, enthusiasm, or patience!

Even if you can’t relate....

AND you don’t understand why people do what they do...

You’ve tried every communication tool at your disposal...

But you just can’t take people (team, spouse, clients, customers) where they don’t wanna go. Which is why you’re at a standstill.

You’ve tried every communication tool at your disposal... But you just can’t take people (team, spouse, clients, customers) where they don’t wanna go. Which is why you’re at a standstill.


...who’s taken every personality training there is, only to find people in his life think self-reflection is pointless.



...who finds that no matter what tools she brings to her relationships, people seem unable to look at the root of their problems.



...who has so much compassion for people in his life, he gets bogged down by their problems and can’t see the best next action step.


There’s nothing easy about motivating people who seem content to remain stuck.

In fact, for some people, this is where most of us want to give up.

All the tools in the world won’t make a difference if they’re falling on hard soil.

There’s nothing easy about motivating people who seem content to remain stuck.

In fact, for some people, this is where most of us want to give up. All the tools in the world won’t make a difference if they’re falling on hard soil.


There's no one size fits all strategy for personal development.

What’s worked for you might not work for others, so how can you provide support — that aligns with their specific quirks and habits — without exhausting yourself in the process?

Maybe you think you should intuitively know what a person needs next.

OR it shouldn’t be this hard to help people.

OR that if you need new tools, you shouldn't be a leader in the first place.

Maybe you started a business because you LOVE solving problems.

But now, the problems are driving you crazy and you are walking in circles because the relationships feel too messy.

OR that it shouldn’t be this hard to help people.

OR, you somehow feel that if YOU need new tools, you shouldn't be a leader in the first place.

Maybe you started a business because you LOVE solving problems. But now, the problems are driving you crazy and you are walking in circles because the relationships feel too messy.

Well, those frustrations are REAL, but they are not UNIQUE.

I’ve been there, and I

almost threw in the towel.

But I’m so glad I didn’t.

Well, those frustrations are REAL, but they are not UNIQUE.

I’ve been there, and I

almost threw in the towel.

But I’m so glad I didn’t.


Instead of expecting to wave a magic wand and get rid of all the people mess, you felt energized + committed to change what's not working, knowing you can make a difference?

Rather than repeating yourself over and over without any solution, you could hand difficult people in your life a map that makes them feel understood and empowered?

You asked one simple question that could get the same results in you relationship that would normally take 124 arguments?

Instead of baby steps in the right direction, your new awareness drastically improved all relationship by leaps + bounds?

You asked one simple question that could get the same results in your relationship that would normally take 124 arguments?

Imagine if you ended each day

feeling wiser, happier and motivated to improve your relationships daily?

Imagine how amazing it would be if your (clients, customers, spouse, team) owned their blindspots with honesty and humor?

Imagine if you ended each day feeling wiser, happier and motivated to improve your relationships?

Imagine how amazing it’d be if your (clients, customers, spouse, team) owned their blindspots with honesty and humor?


A course for business owners, leaders, and influencers who want to use

the Enneagram to lead with unprecedented insight and accuracy.

A course for leaders, business owners and influencers who want to use the Enneagram to lead with unprecedented insight and accuracy.

This course has the big picture and fine tuned insights you need to finally understand how people see the world and what gets in their way.

You’ll learn how differently we each experience our thoughts, feelings and actions, and how something as simple as time can make or break those personal growth milestones.

Dive deep into a fun, thorough blueprint of human behavior that will:

• Create exciting new solutions for your most difficult relationships

Reignite your sense of hope and personal momentum

• AND help you understand your leadership superpowers so you can enjoy your work and create even more impact.


Enrolling in The Enneagram Impact means you will have:

Unlike other mindset tools, The Enneagram Impact will reveal the complex psyche of peoples' fears and needs without dragging you down in the process.

Increased understanding of peoples' obstacles without fatigue and frustration.

• The most efficient road map to personal growth that surpasses all other strategies.

Enrolling in The Enneagram Impact means you will have:

Referrals, testimonials, and love notes from the people in your life

The ability to quickly identify patterns and beliefs that keep people walking in circles

A foolproof framework for getting to the heart of any matter

A new understanding of what sets you apart as a leader + how to strategically leverage this

Reduce your boredom, frustration and communication gaps by learning to see the world from their vantage point…

So you can also see a clear way out.

Let's Take A Peek Inside...

01 .

our unique

vantage point

Look closely at how your enneagram type can shape relationship dynamics and what unique strengths we each bring to the table.

An accurate understanding of your strengths and blindspots so your communication techniques are effective and sincere.


THE enneagram symbol

Discover the building blocks of this ancient symbol, why it's more effective than other tools, and how

it plays out in every day life.

A new understanding of how the 9 types see the world, where miscommunication starts, and why we each play an irreplaceable role.


Triads: our 3 intelligence centers

Explore the differences between heart centered, head centered and body centered types and illuminate common miscommunication patterns.

An exciting framework that will clear communication gaps, unlock individual strengths and help you offer balanced insights that get results.


Stances: how we navigate the world

Dive deep into assertive, compliant and withdrawing types, and gain new insights into which intelligence center we each under-utilize.

New tools to understand your natural rhythms, balance your stance with others, and help them get out of their comfort zone.


COMmunication check point

Discover the language patterns that either intimidate or motivate each type and how to leverage this to reach noticeable personal growth milestones.

New language that will motivate all nine types, resonate with people, and help them reach their goals.


health, stress and fears of all 9 types

Pull back the curtain on the default messages we each react to and understand how to move past these patterns of survival.

Positive ways to help others, identify their options, move through stress, and take action even when it's hard.


6 solutions check in

Learn how to apply your new enneagram knowledge to the 6 common relationship problems we each encounter

Clear strategies that identify the root of the problem, help you design customized support, and outline action steps that create lasting, noticeable change.



Rather than working on our weaknesses, learn how embrace the unique superpowers of your enneagram type and model the life of freedom and joy we all crave.

Effective communication tools to help others thrive during difficult times, own their extraordinary gifts, and take steps toward the best possible future.


Enneagram Icing on the Cake:


Unlock new strategies on how past, present and future oriented thinkers can understand one another, tackle even the most difficult communication obstacles and eliminate frustration for good!


donna L. sAID...

“with NICOLE, THEre was a safe place to share my feelings. i figured out where i was stuck and how to move through it."

Working with Nicole each week let me know that I wasn’t alone. There was a safe place to share my experiences during a difficult time. Being able to process emotions with Nicole was just what I needed. I was able to move through the emotions of certain situations more quickly, getting back to a state of peace and feeling grounded. I figured out where I was stuck and how to move through it. Very powerful stuff!



There was so much power in truthfully naming the season I was in. I loved being introduced to Enneagram and Core Value exercise. I definitely wanted to conquer the block I have around becoming more successful. The content is awesome, but the secret weapon is Nicole! She is so caring and kind-hearted. Nicole wants to help you thrive, that's just who she is. The cherry on top is that she's smart, listens intently, creative, self deprecating and approachable to all. Nicole's the real deal and will open your mind in the sweetest way possible.



When I came to Nicole, I was overwhelmed, stressed and afraid. Nicole was wise and empathetic. Nicole created a safe space where learning and transformation could happen, pain can grow into something beautiful, subtle shifts of thinking can bring powerful insight. I learned to accept things as neutral, and made subtle and powerful shifts in my thinking and perception. It’s powerful to feel heard and have clarity in what I want going forward. I feel more grounded, more clear in what I want to fight for and what I want to leave behind. I am more compassionate in how I think of myself and more fierce in protecting that self-view.


What is standing in the way of you placing the LAST MISSING PUZZLE PIECE into your leadership toolbox?

What is standing in the way of you placing the LAST MISSING PUZZLE PIECE into your leadership toolbox?

WHAT IF you ignored every other shiny object for ONE tool that will impact all your relationships and fill in the gaps you can’t fill in on your own?



If you think personality tests are a waste of time… or that people are too complicated and nuanced to be labeled, this course is for you. In reality, identifying those foundational motivations is what’s going to help you see — with hawk-like precision — exactly you need to make progress in any difficult relationship.

CoMMUNICATION is about UNDERSTANDING. How is self-reflection going to help?

Why, when so many people need help taking action towards a goal, would self-reflection be the next right step? We’re not talking about nostalgia, daydreaming or licking our wounds. THIS reflective tool is about looking back to notice patterns and remove the one grain of sand from the gears that’s making everything rough and out of sync.

Why would I waste time learning about my personality type when what I need is to get OUT OF THESE MESSY RELATIONSHIPS?

It’s called the ripple effect. When we model the power in personal transformation, our calm, content, easy way of being speaks volumes. People notice something they want and need. And they’re drawn to it.

How will the Enneagram teach me anything

I don’t already know?

I hear you. No one wants to waste precious time. Which is why this tool, that cuts through the BS with crazy deep efficiency, is like no other tool. It’ll not only help you with your relationship goals, it will give you fresh insights that bring joy and momentum back into your work as a leader.

The enneagram is too complicated.

I need something simpler.

Exactly. This course takes a complex, ancient framework and distills it into fun, interactive, easy to digest modules. I’ve done all the research and sifting for you. All you have to do is show up, learn and have fun.

I spent years thinking and feeling and

researching and reflecting and, let’s be honest, hiding.

I was “the good listener”. That was my comfort zone.

I spent years thinking and feeling and researching and reflecting and, let’s be honest, hiding. I was “the good listener”. That was my comfort zone.

It didn’t seem like a superpower.

And it didn’t come with a paycheck.


I started to identify my own fears and patterns.

And look honestly at the grains of sand caught in the gears, and how they got there in the first place.

I could always see what was possible for others. I just couldn’t see what was possible for myself.

Because our comfort zone is nice and safe. But it also creates a ceiling.

Once I could look objectively at my own patterns, I could detach, rise above them, and see new opportunities

Cause there’s no ceiling when you have a birds eye view.

So if you know you can't really zap all people from your life and business (and you don't really want to), and you know that the constant hunt for the "perfect" team member or client is unrealistic, instead...

how about learning to anticipate obstacles and create alternative paths?

So if know you can't really zap all people from your life and business (and you don't really want to) and you know that the constant hunt for the "perfect" team member or client is unrealistic, instead... how about learning to anticipate obstacles and create alternative paths?

It might be the difference between burnout and resentment... and a flourishing career you actually enjoy.

This offer is not for people who want a shiny reputation, fast cash or a quick fix.

This is for the business owner + influencer who wants a life of freedom and possibility.

Who respect their relationships enough to explore new angles, expand their compassion...

This is for the leader, business owner + influencer who wants a life of courage and freedom. Who respect their relationships enough to explore new angles, expand their compassion...


• An 8 week, easy to digest and implement Course for the most complex and profound leadership tool out there

Total Value = $2,997

Regular Price = $1,997

Today’s Price = $997

SO... just to be generous, here are a few extra goodies:

Bonus #2: Self Care Blueprint for all 9 types

While there are some basics when it comes to self care, there’s no one size fits all plan. In addition to a close look at how each type relates to sleep, nutrition, exercise, connection and play, you’ll learn what self care truly means for each type, and how to create a custom blueprint that will fill your tank and have you back in action in no time.

Bonus #3: Every Captain Needs a Crew TEAM BUILDING Plan

Now that you’ve learned the most powerful insights about yourself AND others, learn how to use the Enneagram to build and develop a balanced team or business partnership. Cover all the bases of how the thinkers, feelers and doers among us work together to take risks, plan ahead, care for others and learn from the past. Every type brings a needed flavor to the table. So let’s make that table a colorful, dynamic, unforgettable feast.


So, listen. If you’re still not sure if this course is for you, wouldn’t it be better to test it out, join the group, engage with the materials, experience the benefits, and THEN decide if you’re ready to commit?

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the tools, strategies, support and insights you get from The Enneagram Impact, I will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.



Sarah M. SAID...


Nicole is so amazing at cutting through what I say to get to the meat of what is behind my words. She pulls out the truth in a loving, nurturing way that is so helpful. In learning from Nicole, I realized I do have the expertise to show up in my business. I can help people with my services. Understanding the inner workings of the Enneagram stress arrows and health arrows was also very revealing to me. This new awareness is so important and Nicole makes it fun even when it's hard to hear.


There’s no industry that’s exploding faster than entrepreneurship.

There are new, untrained, inexperienced, self-focused “leaders” popping up every day. How are YOU going to find the right solution for you, and finally stop being exhausted by all your relationships?

Enrollment for The Enneagram Impact is only open for 5 days.

And it’s limited to 50 leader each time I do it live. Because I want to give my BEST face to face support to the people who are committed to this journey inside and out.

AND, because I love action takers, I’m gonna throw in one LAST bonus that’ll make this decision a no brainer, and it won’t be offered next time around:

When you join THIS round of The Enneagram Impact, you’ll get to:

Join a private Facebook Group for leaders who are ready to expand what’s possible.

Attend Weekly Group Calls with me to learn, receive support, ask questions and get answers geared toward your enneagram type and professional goals.

Join a private Facebook Group for leaders who are ready to expand what’s possible.

Attend Weekly Group Calls with me to get support, ask questions, and get specific answers that will help you reach your professional goals.


SO... just to RECAP, you're getting:

• An 8 week, easy to digest and implement course for the most complex and profound personal growth tool out there

• Access to a private FB Group for those

who are ready to step up and stand out

• Weekly Group Calls with Nicole to receive support and get ALL your enneagram questions answered

Bonus #1: Enneagram Icing on the Cake: Orientation to Time

Bonus #2: Self Care Blueprint

for all 9 types

Bonus #3: Every Captain Needs a Crew TEAM BUILDING Plan

• An 8 week, easy to digest and implement Course for the most complex and profound coaching tool out there

• Access to a private FB Group for those who are ready to step up and stand out

• Weekly Group Calls with Nicole to receive support and get ALLyour enneagram questions answered

Bonus #1: Enneagram Icing on the Cake: Orientation to Time

Bonus #2: Self Care Blueprint for all 9 types

Bonus #3: Every Captain Needs a Crew TEAM BUILDING Plan

Total Value = $2,997

Regular Price = $1,997

Today’s Price = $997

(OR 12 monthly payments of $97)

...grab it before the market is saturated with inexperienced leaders and it’s too late for you to stand out.


I’m just a natural born host who wants to

share what I’ve discovered and invite

YOU to the table.

I’m just a natural born host who wants to share what I’ve discovered and invite others to the table.

It’s time to stop reinventing the intuitive wheel every time you have a difficult convo, and instead, no matter what you’re both facing, ensure you and the people in your life can solve unsolvable problems with momentum and JOY.

To all that's possible,


• An 8 week, easy to digest and implement Course for the most profound leadership tool out there

• Access to a private FB Group for those who are ready to step up and stand out

• Weekly Group Calls with Nicole to receive support and get ALL your enneagram questions answered

Bonus #1: Enneagram Icing on the Cake: Orientation to Time

Bonus #2: Self Care Blueprint for all 9 types

Bonus #3: Every Captain Needs a Crew TEAM BUILDING Plan

• An 8 week, easy to digest and implement course for the most complex and profound personal growth tool out there

• Access to a private FB Group for those

who are ready to step up and stand out

• Weekly Group Calls with Nicole to receive support and get ALL your enneagram questions answered

Bonus #1: Enneagram Icing on the Cake: Orientation to Time

Bonus #2: Self Care Blueprint

for all 9 types

Bonus #3: Every Captain Needs a Crew TEAM BUILDING Plan

Total Value = $2,997

Regular Price = $1,997

Today’s Price = $997

(OR 12 monthly payments of $97)

NICOLE MCDONOUGH COACHING - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions